星期六, 十二月 24, 2005

On Friday, my family and I went to a cinema at the bustling Orchard Road. It sure is crowded over there, giving the fact that it's a day before Christmas Eve. The spirit is sure high, but somehow I can't feel it, is there something wrong with me?
The theatre we went into was Lido 1, it's big, but like any normal ..or can say, a little large cinema. It's full-seating, that's why it's crowded in there. As it is part of my father's company's event, or say, they're the ones who organised it, each person was given a free styrofoam bean-filled cushion.

Before we went into the cinema, they got rid of alll the trash and placeed the cushions on the chair.
There's a wierd smell coming from it though..much of like, the smell of styrofoam.
The movie was: Chronicles of Narnia.

I think it's a pretty childish movie. Though some peepz might disagree with that statement.
However, the graphics are okay still..other than that, I've no other comments...oh wait, I think it sorta copied the battle in Lord of the Rings.

Pops said that the book Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia were written at about the same time.
Before catching the movie around an hour earlier, we ate at Burger King for dinner, while mom went off to somewhere, probably to a food centre to eat. **cough** There sure is a a lot of cigarette smoke outside of Burger King.. We reached home at about 12pm plus, and it's so late! Oh yea, we had to queue up to get the seats in the Lido theatre u know, I think we must've stood for more than 30 minutes...Then there was a snake-like queue...**ai** So bo bian lorhz...then pops went to redeem 4 packs of popcorn + pepsi bottles..Ai yoh they so cheapskate one lor...the popcorn's not warm at all..but can say it was nice. Ooo...gotta go sleep. Jaa ne.
