星期六, 十二月 24, 2005

On Friday, my family and I went to a cinema at the bustling Orchard Road. It sure is crowded over there, giving the fact that it's a day before Christmas Eve. The spirit is sure high, but somehow I can't feel it, is there something wrong with me?
The theatre we went into was Lido 1, it's big, but like any normal ..or can say, a little large cinema. It's full-seating, that's why it's crowded in there. As it is part of my father's company's event, or say, they're the ones who organised it, each person was given a free styrofoam bean-filled cushion.

Before we went into the cinema, they got rid of alll the trash and placeed the cushions on the chair.
There's a wierd smell coming from it though..much of like, the smell of styrofoam.
The movie was: Chronicles of Narnia.

I think it's a pretty childish movie. Though some peepz might disagree with that statement.
However, the graphics are okay still..other than that, I've no other comments...oh wait, I think it sorta copied the battle in Lord of the Rings.

Pops said that the book Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia were written at about the same time.
Before catching the movie around an hour earlier, we ate at Burger King for dinner, while mom went off to somewhere, probably to a food centre to eat. **cough** There sure is a a lot of cigarette smoke outside of Burger King.. We reached home at about 12pm plus, and it's so late! Oh yea, we had to queue up to get the seats in the Lido theatre u know, I think we must've stood for more than 30 minutes...Then there was a snake-like queue...**ai** So bo bian lorhz...then pops went to redeem 4 packs of popcorn + pepsi bottles..Ai yoh they so cheapskate one lor...the popcorn's not warm at all..but can say it was nice. Ooo...gotta go sleep. Jaa ne.

星期五, 十二月 23, 2005

Koo! Today my family and I went Bukit Batok's Westmall!

Sole Motive: to redeem two tubs of free ice-cream
Ice-cream has been one of my favourite desserts since I was young. Who can't resist the temptation of putting a spoonful of cool ice-cream in one's mouth? But...**sobz* I have sensitive teeth which keeps worsening... Now, I can't really enjoy eating my favourite ice-cream anymore, for fearing the unbearable pain that surges through my entire
mouth when any icy food gets placed in my mouth...T ^ T
Oh yeah! I forgot one thing. This morning mum and pops went to the zoo to sell around 4 extra tickets (2 Adult + 2 Child). In the end, they earned around $63. I was actually expecting around $100. Guess I shouldn't have too high expectations. Pops packed back KFC back for lunch. It was a nice one, though pops said it was very salty...is there something wrong with my tastebuds? I hope not!:P There was only 2 packs of 2-piece chicken meal (I don't know why am I typing in so much details), and mom went to Keat Hong (the nearby market) to eat lunch, and @ the sametime pack back food for that useless lazy brother of mine. Guess what he was doing at the moment? You could have guessed it!
Playing computer games
I'm very sick of it.
Watching him going on like this.
As his only sister, it pains me to see precious time being wasted on something useless for his future.
I wish I could do something about it, but...
He played almost everyday. Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike...
He was the one who said :" "Maybe" I'll go to work." Right. Maybe. Go to work? As?
"Gaming expert." - t c h -
Dream on. (Rolling eyes)
I just wish I can quickly go back to school and do something meaningful. But I gotta do something equally meaningful during these holidays, isn't it?
Oops, sorry, I kinda drifted off into another world of mine... Let's go back to the original story.
It rained soon after mom set off for the market. Well, soon. I took more than half an hour to finish my simple meal. That proved that fried chickens are troublesome to eat, for me, SOMETIMES.
After eating lunch, I settled down for a bit of reading, of newpapers. Speaking of which, I've to get back on my feet into reading newspapers, if not, my English will never improve. And that means...doing bad for my exams... *tremble* Oh come on, as if you're gonna die.
OKAy! SeT! I'm gonna read at least 5 newspapers daily! During these two months of holidays I really missed lot of news, due to my slack I remember my friend, okay, to be even more exact, TWO friends suddenly telling me to stop chatting or typing over MSN and stop for a one-minute silence. There was another tsunami that hit another country. The television beside me was on (okay maybe a different channel, but..) and I don't even know the tragedy occurred! I'm such a boke. None of my family members noted that piece of news too.
Alrighty, snap out of it.
Around 2000
At night, (He played till that time) that's when we went to West Mall. This place is huge I tell you. There was a Christmas carolling taking place. And there was 2 female singers, one of whom is good at singing (Her voice is powerful) I think those people are in Choir. Trained selected people.
We ate at the fifth or fourth storey I think. There's a foodcourt called "Kofu". There's a wide variety of food there.
I remember when we (ones selected to perform for the Graduation Ceremony) were dismissed, and went to that foodcourt, me and along with one friend(HuiTeng) and a choir junior (Huiling), and I packed back home a delicious duck rice, but is really DAMNED expensive. If I didn't forget, it's $3.50.
I couldn't decide what the hell to eat, and went circling aroung the foodcourt a few times.
In the end, I ate some sort of ramen with supposedly "tempura" fried chicken, which was quite oily.You can see a pool of oil at the bottom of the bowl. It isn't really worth it. Some noodles and several pieces of vegetables + tempura chicken = $4.00... What a waste of money.
Mom ordered two bowls of kway teow and a plate of mixed fooditems (including duck meat, douya, toufu, salted vegetables...that's all I think) for $9.00. It's from the same stall I ordered duck rice the other time. OH MY GODNESS!!! We shared those dishes. However, it was not disappointing, it was delicious. Pops ate a wierd dish, it's soup of which is made up of tomato, SQUASHED. I think it's what they call "minestrone". Don't really like that soup. I prefer a bland taste. :P
Bro ate meepok or is it fishball noodles?
Who cares. :/
After that we went to Swensons. There was a LONG, LONG queue there. You should've seen it.
But we went straight in and redeemed the free tubs of ice-cream. Pops and bro went to drive the car to the rounda-bout, while I and mom waited for the ice-cream tubs. While waiting, she sorta "stole" a cherry and popped it into my mouth!!! :X That's embarrassing...
And, always lacking the sense of direction, mom led us to a different exit where there was no rounda-bout. I sensed it earlier actually.Hehehh. But we managed to find our way, fortunately, I can say I'm familiar enough with that place.
At HoMe...
I hurriedly took out the tubs in the white bag they provided, and guess what? DRy ICE!
Cool! I thought. I quickly, without thinking, grabbed one piece of dry ice and OUCH!! MY FINGERS!!!
The dry ice pieced into the poor skin of my fingers, and there was needle-like pain which attacked my pitiful fingers..
Haha. Guess what. Pops suggested...
Bro was in the toilet doing his business at that time.
that he'd put some or a piece of it into the toilet bowl to cool his butt!!HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I could laugh my head off @ that moment, seriously.

Well, that's that for today. Are are! (In Japanese) It's already 5:47a.m.! This is the 1st time in my entire life staying up late into the night and early morning to do something like this! To create a blog! My OH my.
Well, anyway, jaa mata! See you soon! (Maybe) :)

This is stupid... Well, anyway, here's the list of my Christmas wishes for 2005:

  1. To live happily and healthily, my family and I
  2. Watch every episode of Bleach anime!
  3. To get a brand new piano!:D I LOVE MUSIC!
  4. To score A1s in every subject.
  5. To beat my senpai (anonymous)
  6. Strengthen my vocal chords

This month's proved to be quite a tiring month. Besides participationg in the Choir Overnight Camp, i sprained my ankle the same spot twice, the interval's around two weeks. **Whew** I'm glad I wasn't immobilised by those falls...oh yeah, speaking of which, there's one more fall, and I got a bad bruise on my left knee (OUCH!)


Shhh...this is TOP secret...want to know my sempai whom I wanna beat?...This person's a he. Of course, he's definitely NOT my admirer! I just, feel that I really REAllY need a person to be a good role model, to set an example, to "lead the way". He's good in academic and non-academic activities. Unlike me, I believe he's an out-going person. He's even a president of a CCA, which is, wOw. Being able to score well in every subject, and to juggle his duties as a president well, is a thing which deserves to be admired of. I'm not acquianted in the least bit with this guy, neither is he. He's one tough guy to beat. But one thing's for sure: I'll keep him close to my "Going to Beat" list. Fear not! Senpai! I will someday catch up and beat you! ~He's cute too!~ *blush* > <" Just kidding! :P